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Whole Human Psychiatry
Lisa E. Goldman, MD


Lisa E Goldman, MD, MSW
Sep 2, 20209 min read
A patient recently asked me,
“Hey im tryna start this sleep program on my phone and am shooting for a time to get in and out of bed every day. If I start my earliest...
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Lisa E Goldman, MD, MSW
Apr 1, 20195 min read
Dear Doctor Goldman, do you take my XYZ insurance?
Dear Inquiring Patient, Thank you for asking this important and highly relevant question. The short answer is NO, I don’t “take”...
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Lisa E Goldman, MD, MSW
Apr 1, 20192 min read
Why suicide prevention for medical students and doctors matters....
I launched Whole Human Psychiatry on March 8, 2019, and so far have seen 9 new patients and provided 13 face-to- face plus...
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Lisa E Goldman, MD, MSW
Mar 1, 20195 min read
How to do a Humble Grand Opening for your independent ideal medical clinic.
There are millions of ways to open your own practice and billions of ways to plan an open house to let people know you are ready to see...
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